Have Rice Will… Kill All Nutritional Value In It

I have heard a lot of people decry pudding as a boring dessert alternative. I completely disagree. Pudding is awesome darn it! Smeared all over… ok, wait, let’s change the tangent I was about to go off on there. My bad. :-P  Where was I? Pudding is awesome. When I was a kid back in the 60’s and 70’s (yes, I’m older than most other bloggers. I like to think that makes me wiser and smarter and more experienced and a better cook… and far cuter. Or something like that.) when most women were entering the work force for the first time, pudding meant the dry powder in a box mixed with milk because none of our mothers had the time to actually MAKE pudding home made. I have to admit to still having a certain fondness for the Butterscotch flavor. I still buy it as well as the newer types of pudding that have come out. The Jello Temptations are pretty darn good and are low calorie and Jello brands sugar free Creme Brulee Rice Pudding is…wait for it… “to die for” *grins cause you all know what I think of that phrase πŸ˜› .

But rice pudding for me has always been a sort of comfort food and nothing beats home made. But… *sighs deeply*… being me, I am never content to leave well enough alone. Nooooooo… I have to mess with things I like to try and make more things I like. Like I did last night with rice pudding. Mind you, it worked. Quite nicely. But now I have a craving for regular warm rice pudding covered in a few pounds of Cinnamon (sorry Ann … I know you can’t do Cinnamon. But that’s why you should keep reading :-P). But until I decide to make that, this is a wonderful Summery alternative. If you like coconut (no coconut pieces in it cause I just don’t care for the texture as much as I love the flavor) and Pineapple, you should love this. Plus, if you want to lighten it, it can be done by using low fat coconut milk, lighter milk and light or fat free whipped topping instead of the heavy cream. The Greek yogurt in this adds a nice tang as well as some extra nutrition. All in all, while this isn’t exactly great for you (this IS me after all πŸ˜› ), it’s certainly not BAD for you either if you use lighter ingredients. I hope you like it! There was no way to really photograph rice pudding to make it look exciting lol, but it sure does taste good πŸ˜€ This makes a lot so it could be cut in half if needed.

 Pina Colada Rice Pudding With A Greek Yogurt Twist

  • 4 cups cooked rice (I used leftover Basmati Coconut rice but any cooked rice would do. I actually think this would be better with plain white rice. )
  • 2 cans coconut milk (I used full fat cause the low fat tastes watery to me in all the brands I have tried but you could sub low fat)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon coconut extract
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 20 ounce can pineapple chunks, well drained
  • 1 cup heavy cream, whipped or 1 1/2 cups whipped topping
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (I used honey flavored because it was what I had on hand)
  1. In a medium heavy bottomed (preferably non stick) sauce pot, combine the cooked rice and the coconut milk. Stir well to mix. Over medium heat, bring the mix to a gentle boil stirring very often.
  2. Turn heat down to low (I had it on two) and cover. Cook the rice until all the liquid is absorbed, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Mine took about 30 minutes.
  3. Pour mixture into a large bowl and cover and refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours.
  4. When rice is cold, mix the whipped cream (or whipped topping) with the Greek yogurt.
  5. Break up the rice pudding (it will be stiff) and fold the cream/yogurt mixture into it.
  6. Add the drained pineapple and mix well. Refrigerate until you’re ready to serve.

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41 thoughts on “Have Rice Will… Kill All Nutritional Value In It

  1. Oh, wow! That does look amazing! ….and I always keep reading your blogs even when you use the spices of death!

    What a great idea to mix up an old classic!

  2. Too many childhood rice puddings have left me scarred. You know, the ones with the thick gloopy skin. Erk!

    However, I am intrigued by the pineapple and coconut flavours of your recipe Jan, and the snowy grains of rice look far removed from the rice puddings of my experience. You know what? I’m going to give this a try.

    • Hester, I can completely empathize about the ones with the skin *shudders* Nothing worse than peeling a sheet of pudding ick off of the top of a bowl of pudding.

  3. It is so funny before a read the whole post I looked at the photo and thought to myself “that would be so good bruleed” Then I saw what your opinion of creme brulee rice pudding is LOL.
    This looks so good you know to push the decadent factor just one more notch and to have an excuse not to share with the children you could put rum in it…

    • Hmmmm, normally I like my real Pina Coladas virgin cause I don’t care for rum in drinks but I have used it in cooking before and like it that way. So you may be on to something there :-D. As for the decadent factor, I try, I try πŸ˜›

    • Cool! let me know what you think Peggy
      You have got to be kidding, Erin! You have got to try rice pudding. I will be posting the “regular” kind when the weather cools a little. I hope you’ll try the recipes πŸ™‚

  4. It must be a pina colada weekend, I made some pina colada things as well ;)! This sounds so delicious! Rice pudding is one of my favorites, and add coconut and pineapple even better ;)!

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  5. I, too, was brought up on the great boxed varieties. My favorite memory is making pudding parfaits for a “fancy”dessert. I love this recipe.

    • LOL! I did the same thing. When I was a kid and up until my mid 20’s I was convinced that that was the height of sophistication

  6. Janet…next to bread pudding….rice pudding is so comforting! I was a kid in the ’60s and ’70’s too….(you and I don’t look that old!!!)….and I remember dessert being Jello boxed pudding. I even helped my mom make it using a rotary beater! (remember those?) I am guilty of not doing much with my rice pudding, however. But you are inspiring me! Looks delicious! : )

    • I’ll be 47 next month Anne; time to get out the walker πŸ˜› And oh yes, I definitely remember those beaters. I loved them! I looked online and they now cost an arm and a leg. I guess because of the nostalgia factor lol

    • Lol; me too Sarah. Plus it was hard to incorporate the tang of the pineapple with just the chunks and the yogurt does that.

  7. Hey now…..I wore mood rings and had a whole collection of Dawn dolls. I even watched the original moon walk in my Captain Kangaroo jammies! Anyhow, I remember rice pudding and not liking it because of the texture. I always though that it had maggots in it instead of worms. Yeah, I also had a good imagination. That being said, you’ve definitely upped the ante with this version and I just might have to give it a go.

    • Awwww man; I never had a Dawn doll. My sister did though. I was so jealous! And I am so not commenting on the maggots. Lol

  8. I don’t care what they say, rice pudding rocks! I grew up on that stuff…if there was rice leftover from dinner, guess what we were having later on? Yep, rice pudding! πŸ™‚ But I’ve never had this tropical deliciousness before…sounds amazing!

    Congrats on Top 9!!

    • Thanks Kate! And I agree; rice pudding is great πŸ™‚
      Thanks Kita. Heck, as much as I send out my posts, I don’t know how you missed it either. I figure I am everyone’s most annoying foodbuzz friend hehe

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