You Call It Burger, I Call It Boiger

But only because I have a thing for talking in fake accents and that’s my very bad take on a Brooklyn one.

I think I mentioned before that I have a weird quirk and love talking in different accents. Luckily for me, my husband shares my quirk and hasn’t attempted to  get me into therapy yet (well, not for THAT anyway) and if he did try, he would probably do it in a Russian accent so I’m not sure the therapist would take him seriously. We are a sight to behold…or would that be behear? when we walk through the grocery store talking loudly to each other in either a Russian, Indian or Scottich accent (our favorites). We get some interesting looks. I’m still waiting for someone to ask us where we are from because I just know I wouldn’t get through the answer without cracking up. Is it possible to laugh in a Russian accent? Hmmm.  But when we do this, he is Boris and I am Natasha and we use the names out loud but so far no one has caught on to the background of the names. Did nobody else watch Rocky and Bullwinkle when they were kids? That or they are scared to approach the crazy couple perusing the peanut butter. Clean up in aisle nutso!

With those two (and an American Southern accent and an upper crust British accent) I can voice them with no help. But strangely, with other accents, I have to have visual or oral help such as reading a book that portrays a character speaking with an accent or hearing it. Yes, I am just weird enough that I have a method for speaking in fake accents. Hey! We all need a hobby right? Mine is …is…is… ok, so mine is just generally being strange but that’s a hobby too! Not everyone can knit!

Where is this all leading you ask? Well, hell if I know! You’re expecting logic and a nice path to a recipe here? You soooo must be new to my blog. πŸ˜€ My blog is all about nonsense and trying to get a laugh any way I can. Wait. That doesn’t make me sound very good does it? My blog is a place for logical stories and essays, linear thought processes and recipes that are the envy of five star restaurants and yes, I’m looking into that therapy now.

Today I’m posting (please to be imagining all of theese in a a Russian accent.) a recipe I came up with for a nice spicy (yes, more spice. If you don’t like spice you may need to check out Now I am going to have to check to see if there is a web site with that name. I’d be willing to bet there is lol) southwestern style burger. I thought about making a mayo or relish to go with this and may do that in future incarnations but this time I wanted the burger to be the centerpiece, not the toppings. So I just used the typical ones to add crunch and cheesy goodness. This is very quickly put together and very flavorful and you can vary the toppings. Salsa, pepper jack, a yummy chipotle mayo maybe.

Southwestern Chorizo Burgers

  • 1 pound ground chuck
  • 1 pound chorizo sausage (if links, just take off the casing)
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper
  • 3 Tablespoons Salsa of choice
  • Buns of choice (no, not buns of steel)
  1. Mix all ingredients together, handling as little possible or the burger will be tough. You can’t totally mix the meats together so don’t bother trying.
  2. Shape into four to six burgers depending on what type of pigginess you are feeding. I made five good sized burgers.
  3. Cook by preferred method I grilled them) until no longer pink in the middle. You can’t cook these medium rare (my usual donenes…mmmmm, e-coli!) or medium because of the chorizo.
  4. Top as desired (I topped mine with a fried egg because that is one current trend I can soooo get behind) and enjoy the yumminess.

Ignore the cat hair on my background please πŸ˜€

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22 thoughts on “You Call It Burger, I Call It Boiger

  1. That is one spicy burger! I loved Rocky & Bullwinkle as a kid! I might tone down the spices (I’m a wimp, I admit) but not remove entirely! I speak with an American Southern Accent – but it’s real….

    • really, it wasn’t too spicy. personally, I’d have liked more spice. It was maybe a 4 to 5 on a scale of one to ten. πŸ™‚

      And my accent is mutant. Brought up on the south side of Chicago with a father from there and a mother from Alabama and have lived in Ky for over 20 years. πŸ˜€

  2. Sounds right up my alley, Cuz. Do you think soyrizo would work well, too? I wonder how it would be with ground turkey. You know us Californians. We need to try and make it seem healthier. By the way, your other cuz (Honey) likes burgers topped with a fried egg. πŸ™‚

    • You came to my blog!!! COOL! Ummm, on that note lol, I would imagine it would work yes. The texture is similar. I just can’t make any promises about the taste πŸ˜›

    • Lol…. so no Brooklyn huh? Like I said, my version of it… I’m pretty limited with the New York style accents. it’s far from one of my best πŸ˜› I would have liked the boiga hotter too but the rest of the family is wimpier than I am πŸ˜€

  3. You are cracking me up, girl! Too funny…yes, I’m of the vintage to remember Boris and Natasha…and hubby will quote Bullwinkle from time to time πŸ™‚ On to these spicy burgers…they look marvelous!!! Perfect twist for our usually Sunday night hamburger night. Thanks!

    • LOL@ your hubby doing that. I can just see the hilarity it if our husbands were in the same room πŸ˜›
      Hope you like the burger πŸ™‚

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