Ok, So Maybe I Don’t Hate Peanut Butter As Much As I Thought

Yes, my backdrop is a roll of paper towels 😛 I was feeling lazy



I have said for years that I dislike peanut butter; even posted it in here when I made cookies with Reese Pieces in them. I am coming to realize though that it may not be peanut butter I dislike so much as plain old fashioned peanut butter cookies. Now those… I hate. I remember my sister making them when we were kids and I didn’t care for them then and I was a child who would eat anything sweet, including peanut butter and sugar sandwiches *shudders*.  While I am sure my sister is a wonderful cook, I still wouldn’t eat peanut butter cookies now; even if made by her.  There are some things too horrid to be contemplated.

But though it is something I eat rarely, I may actually…kind of…sort of.. a little bit… like peanut butter. Sometimes.

I especially like a certain brand of peanut butter that has some awesome flavors, including cinnamon raisin. Spreading this on toast is like having a peanut butter sandwich on raisin bread. So so good. Also on English muffins and pita bread, on warm rolls so that the peanut butter melts slightly and drips down the side and best of all, just spooned out and eaten straight. Ok, so when it comes to that PB, I’m a junkie. But it’s so darn expensive! Almost 5 bucks for a small container. So I decided to make my own. This is so easy I want to kick myself for not thinking of it before. But if I do that, I may fall and then I wouldn’t be able to reach the peanut butter. So I think I’ll just keep eating instead. Try it… you’ll like it!


  1. 1 18 ounce jar peanut butter (I used Jif; my favorite)
  2. 3/4 cups raisins
  3. 1 tablespoon hot water
  4. 3 tablespoons sugar
  5. 3 teaspoons cinnamon ( I used McCormick brand)
  • Put your raisins in a small bowl. Sprinkle them with the tablespoon of hot water. Put into the microwave on high for 20 seconds. Stir them around then cover the bowl with a small plate while you mix the peanut butter.
  • Scoop your peanut butter into a bowl. Beat in the cinnamon and sugar. You can use a little more cinnamon but remember that the flavor will strengthen as it sits so be careful.
  • Mix the raisins into the peanut butter mixture.. The brief sit in the covered bowl  helps soften them up a bit.
  • Spoon the peanut butter into a covered container (I used a pint canning jar.) This can be stored at room temp same as any other PB.

Hey; it tastes better off of the Mickey plate! Ask any kid!



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